Saturday, February 25, 2017

Lengthening the Oscilloscope Flash of a Neon Bulb's Spark Gap with the Help of a Capacitor

I don't know about you, but I don't like messy appearances (have I looked at myself in the mirror, lately?).👻

If an unregulated neon bulb / spark gap fires rapidly many times during each half-phase of an AC cycle creating peaks and troughs (of each spike) which are shallow by comparison to withholding the arcing to accentuate the height or depth of each spike, then maybe this is better? I don't know...

I found that by placing a capacitor across the neon bulb (in parallel with it), I could get the desired result by examining this simple example of a flashing neon bulb...

Here's another one...

Compare those clearly defined arcs to these messy ones...

Now, here, I've cleaned them up...

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